Gospodaria este compusa din doua locatii, aranjate cu mobilier vechi dar foarte bine intretinut, covoare taranesti, vitrine pline de obiecte vechi romanesti autentice (icoane, carti vechi, ceramica, costume populare, covoare si tesaturi vechi) din toate colturile tarii. Locatia are 12-14 locuri de cazare.

Apartment with Flowers
1 rooms |
3 beds
| Breakfast
TV / Cable / Satellite, Hairdryer
Standard price: 600 LEI

Apartament with Landscapes
1 rooms |
3 beds
| Breakfast
Flat Screen TV, TV / Cable / Satellite, Hairdryer
Standard price: 600 LEI

Double Royal Room
1 rooms |
2 beds
| Breakfast
Flat Screen TV, TV / Cable / Satellite, Hairdryer
Standard price: 500 LEI